Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Down to Six!

I guess I am getting worse at blog posts lately... It seems I don't have the time or won't take the time and usually when I post I am complaining about something or other.
Anyway my pile of "started but not finished reading" books is down to six. Not including the two books at home, which are at home reading books anyway so they don't count. I just finished Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. It is a great book, and like good jazz doesn't really resolve at the end it just sort of... ends. I liked it anyway.
The rest of the list in order of priority, just in case you were wondering, is: Secrets of the Vine by Bruce Wilkinson (which I have read once but it's an assignment.); Praise Habit by David Crowder; The Voice of Matthew by Lauren F. Winner; Desiring God by John Piper; Sacred Play by Wenda Sheros; and Preaching That Changes Lives by Michael Fabarez. It's a lot of reading I know but I think it's helpful. I also wanted to stop reading books that make me want to sit in my office, like I am doing now, and just think about myself and what's wrong with me and what I should act like and think like, it's just not helpful.
The two books at home are Effective Pastoring and Eat to Live. For some reason diet and exercise books are really easy and enjoyable to read but not to put into practice...


Sharon said...

I think I've seen this blog long what's been going on?