Friday, October 12, 2007

I guess it's time to post...

One of the struggles I have had with blogging is writing too much about too much so I am going to attempt to not do that anymore.

We are working hard to get settled in at our new post and that is going pretty well so far. I am starting to feel like we are getting a little bit of traction here and that is a good thing. I am still missing my friends back in Meredith* (*fighting hard to not write "back home":.\ ) I am, however looking forward to watching the Pats game with my pals back there on Sunday though! A good recovery practice from preaching!

I am preaching this Sunday. My sermon is entitled "Worship - Let's get it right!"
It's mostly about leaving behind our assumptions about worship and looking for the best Biblical example on authentic worship. we'll see how it goes. I started writing what I thought was a real good one until my new mentor Mr. Friedrich showed me how I was just looking to establish a new moral code. We're all about making rules, aren't we?!? The moral codes that God has established are just fine, after all He wrote them!

Anyway, we are working hard to make friends and find our place in our new community. It's more work that I had anticipated but anything worth having is worth working for.

This picture just helps remind me where I am.