Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here's A New Idea!

So here is what I am thinking... I have been asked many times about the Antioch School and what it is all about, how it works, etc. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to blog about my experiences and post some of my projects. I'm not sure it will be earth shattering but it may be a good way to at least give a snapshot into this wonderful leadership development paradigm.
A lot has changed in my thinking about the church, what it is and what it is for. The truth is, it is kind of hard to explain. I feel especially bad for my dear wife who has tried hard to stay right with me without having the benefit of reading many of my papers or participating in any of our class discussions. My aim is to help people understand what exactly is happening to me and to the church. I hope it helps!


Kristin said...

GREAT idea!

# 9 said...

I'm planning on posting once or twice a week depending on how the fancy strikes me...